Tag Archives: California Quail

California Quail might be pairing up now. Paul Brewer had this male and female quail visit his garden in Gualala. The more showy male is on the left.

CA Quail are mainly seed eaters, preferring to eat on the ground. So if a Jay knocks seed out of your bird feeder, the positive might be that these beautiful birds might arrive to eat the seeds.

I've seen CA Quail take dirt baths, a fun thing to watch!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website: https://paulbrewer.smugmug.com/

Today was clear but windy, temps in the low 60s.


John Batchelder saw the first covey of California Quail last week Saturday. There are 14 chicks in all. Can you spot them all? Dad is the handsome fellow on the left, always watching out for his family. Mom is to the right.

Quail have a three-note call, which you can hear at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/California_Quail/sounds

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Yesterday the fog disappeared. The fireworks off the Point Arena Pier were amazing last night. Today is once again fog-free. It's a spectacular day on the Mendonoma Coast!


I love seeing and hearing CA Quail. They have their chicks with them now, and they can be seen hurrying along under bushes and grasses. Ruth Downes recently photographed this male CA Quail amidst some of his offspring. He sure is a handsome fellow!

Ruth also Yellow-cheeked Chipmunks feeding right along with a CA Quail couple.

It must be summer on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Ruth for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It's toasty warm when you get a little ways from the Pacific Ocean.


Eric Zetterholm and Amy Ruegg were charmed by this baby Brush Rabbit near their home on The Sea Ranch. The little fellow or gal was hanging out with a pair of California Quail. In the first photo, the bunny is with the male quail.

Here is a couple more photos where the bunny is with his/her new friend, the male CA Quail.

Eric calls this Brush Rabbit his "morning Bun." It doesn't get much cuter than this!

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It's HOT here on the Mendonoma Coast today, way too hot! 94 degrees this afternoon here in Anchor Bay. It's cooler, of course, on the ocean bluffs and beaches. A friend told me it was 72 degrees at Bowling Ball Beach this afternoon.

Ruth Downes noticed this female California Quail in a covey of quail under her bird feeder. Something was missing! Yes, her tail feathers are awol.

Perhaps a predator had a hold of her and her tail feathers gave way, allowing her to escape.

Thanks to Ruth for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's cloudy and mild here on the Mendonoma Coast today, with no wind. There should be a beautiful sunset tonight, and hopefully a 49er's win! (Sorry if you are a Dallas fan....)