Tag Archives: Tom Eckles

Peter Cracknell spotted three or four Orcas, Killer Whales, quite close in on Saturday afternoon. Earlier that day he had photographed a large group of California Sea Lions rafting. Orcas do prey on Sea Lions. Here is a photo of one of the Orcas, heading north.

Orca by Peter Cracknell

Here is a close-up photo Tom Eckles took from a pelagic trip of a male and female Orca. The male has the taller dorsal fin.

Orcas by Tom Eckles

I am also happy to report that the first Gray Whales have been spotted, headed south.

Thanks to Peter and Tom for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Tom's photography, here is his website: www.tomeckles.com

A visit from Monarch Butterflies is always a treat. Tom Eckles had two chasing each other around his garden in Gualala.

Monarch Butterfly by Tom Eckles

Here is a photo Tom took last year of a Monarch on a Dahlia blossom.

Monarch Butterfly feeding on a dahlia by Tom Eckles

The fall migration of Monarchs doesn't begin until next month. But we always welcome a visit from these exquisite creatures. Journey North tracks the migration of Monarch Butterflies, along with Gray Whales and various other migratory events. Their website is: https://www.learner.org/jnorth/

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Tom's photography, here is his website: www.tomeckles.com

The Pacific Ocean is roaring again today. This morning the ocean looked like corduroy, with big swells spaced evenly apart. Tom Eckles recently photographed the dramatic scene.

You can almost hear the ocean and feel the salt spray by looking at Tom's photo.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Tom's photography, here is his website: www.tomeckles.com

Sometimes, if a photographer is lucky or talented or both, a wave can bring you the sighting of a beautiful rainbow. Tom Eckles photographed such a wave recently.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share this lovely photo. To see much more of Tom's photography, here's his website: tomeckles.com.

I love this time of year when the Pacific Ocean comes to life. Add in the beautiful sunsets and warm, soft air and you'll see why October is one of my favorite months of the year. Tom Eckles recently photographed the wave action at Anchor Bay Beach.

Just for fun I have included several other photos Tom has taken at Anchor Beach at different times of the year.

We have a full moon tonight, the Hunter's moon. Wherever you may be, we will be looking at the same beautiful moon.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Tom's photography, here is his website: tomeckles.com