Tag Archives: Sonoma coast


With the clear weather we've been experiencing on the Mendonoma Coast, the sunsets have been awe-inspiring. Debra Mundt recently captured a lovely photo with sunbeams streaming through the clouds and I thank her for allowing me to share it with you.

We had also had Gray Whale sightings from my spotter on The Sea Ranch, Adrian Bennett. A Gray Whale was seen on Friday, the 9th and two on Saturday the 10th, all headed south, presumably to warmer waters.

Thunderstorms followed the storm. Early this morning lightning lit up the sky. As the thunder rumbled overhead, hail bounced off our skylights. Then a downpour, nearly an inch in less than a half hour, left us with a flooded garage. The sky was beautiful at sunset yesterday evening, with showers marching down the Pacific Ocean.

Yesterday the Department of Fish and Game closed the abalone fishing season off the Sonoma Coast. The Red Tide isn't to blame for the abalone die-off. The theory is a lack of oxygen caused it but studies are on-going. On a trip down and then back up the coast today the Red Tide was still evident, as the photo below shows.

To see another photo of the Red Tide taken by Craig Tooley, click on this link:


An oh-so-lovely blue wildflower was recently photographed by Craig Tooley. Its name is Gentiana affinis var. ovata. Due to its rarity, Craig is keeping the exact location secret. But I can safely say it was photographed on the Sonoma Coast. It is a California native; a perennial herb. I thank Craig for allowing me to show it to you, in all its glory, here!

To see more of Craig's work, here's a link to his web site:http://web.me.com/theruffians1

Bodega Bay is a small town on the Sonoma Coast with a big bay. Fishing is a way of life here. It's also a tourist destination with restaurants and several inns and lodges.

Allen Vinson recently took several photographs that will give you a bit of a feel for what this area is like.

                 A fishing boat heading out of the bay through the fog.

           Two American White Pelicans visiting the waters of Bodega Bay.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here.


On Sept. 3rd, Rozann Grunig found a shocking sight at Shell Beach on The Sea Ranch. The beach was littered with dead Sea Urchins. She also saw a Chiton, a type of sea mollusk, just barely alive. The Chiton was put back into the Pacific Ocean in the hopes it might survive.

Abalones have been found upside down off the Sonoma Coast - there has been much coverage of this event. A Red Tide plus a quiet ocean caused a loss of oxygen in these critters habitat. It is believed by local ocean watchers that this is a natural occurrence. It has happened before and will happen again. Tests are being done to see if something else is happening here. Divers and fishermen tell me while they have seen some dead abalones, there are thousands upon thousands out there and doing fine. The Mendocino Coast looks like it avoided this phenomenon.

I thank Rozann for allowing me to share her photos here.

To see Craig Tooley's photo of the Red Tide, you can see it on this link here on Mendonoma Sightings: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/09/red-tide-seen-off-of-the-sea-ranch/