Tag Archives: Rich Kuehn


On February 2nd there was a beautiful green flash and Rich Kuehn was fortunate enough - and good enough - to photograph it from his The Sea Ranch home. Frequent readers of this blog will know that I've been trying, and failing, to photograph a green flash. Lucky for us all, Rich is willing to share his photo with us here.

Rich wrote, "GREEN FLASH - as captured from my dining room. It's the result of the prism-like bending of the last rays of sunbeam through the correct mixture of atmosphere as our planet revolves about the sun. I'm a lucky guy."

Thank you, Rich!

Rich Kuehn's neighbor on The Sea Ranch called him to come over and see if this large Barn Owl was doing okay. When Rich got there it was perched on a fench and nodding off. Rich theorized she - yes, it's a female - was hunting for her young, which a nocturnal Owl such as this usually does at night. But if needs be, a mother will do what she has to do.

To see another photo of this beautiful Barn Owl, go to the ICO's web site, click on on-line features and then Sighting photos! http://www.mendonoma.com/


Brandt's Cormorants are busy building nests on Gualala Point Island just off the Sonoma coast. Craig Tooley photographed one in breeding plumage. You can see the blue throat patch - a sign this bird is ready to mate. I'm also showing you a picture taken by Rich Kuehn of storm driven waves crashing over the island taken several months ago. Brandt's Cormorant nest rather late. They instinctively know not to build their nests too soon. These birds were scared off their nests in 2006 and 2007 when a group decided to shoot off fireworks in Gualala for the 4th of July. Some places just don't work for fireworks, at least in nesting season - some places are for the birds!

 To see more of Craig's photos: http://web.me.com/theruffians1