Tag Archives: rare

I love Coast Lilies, Lilium maritimum. They are considered rare and only found in wet areas within two miles of the ocean. Craig Tooley recently photographed one, one of his Pics O Joy.

Promise me to never pick them or to dig them up in the wild. Just enjoy their fleeting beauty. Beauty is something we need more of in today's world.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

The fog rolled in overnight, ending our warm stretch for a few days.

Mary Sue Ittner and her husband, Bob Rutemoeller, were exploring Salt Point State Park last week. They came across two wonderful finds of rare wildflowers. The first is Nuttall's Milkvetch, Astragulus nuttallii, var. virgatus. There are a few white flowers left, but you are mostly looking at are the large inflated seed pods.

Nuttall's Milkvetch, Astragulus nuttallii,var. virgatus by Mary Sue Ittner

And the second one is Pleated Gentian, Gentiana affinis, var. ovata.

Pleated Gentian, Gentiana affinis, var. ovata by Mary Sue Ittner

Great finds and wonderful to see! Thanks to Mary Sue for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Craig Tooley photographed a rare fire rainbow. Actually, if you look closely, there are two fire rainbows.

Fire Rainbows by Craig Tooley

This phenomenon is more properly called a circumhorizontal arc. Rather than a rainbow, it is an ice halo, caused by ice crystals in cirrus clouds. It is rare to see one.

Here is one taken by Susan Cerruti. The fire rainbow appeared over the Cypress Center in Gualala

Fire Rainbow by Susan Cerruti

And another by Don Spear.

Fire Rainbow by Don Spear

They are beautiful to see, that's for sure! Thanks to Craig, Susan, and Don for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is the link: www.ruffimage.com

Margaret Lindgren leads hikes here on the Mendonoma Coast. On a hike last month she discovered a rare and endangered wildflower, Supple Daisy, Erigeron Supplex. She found it on The Sea Ranch and I understand there are more of these flowers on the Point Arena/Stornetta Lands.

Supple Daisy by Margaret LindgrenClose-up of Supple Daisy by Margaret Lindgren

I haven't seen this native wildflower yet but hope to see it next year.

Thanks to Margaret for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To learn about the various hikes Margaret offers, here is her website: www.unbeatenpath.weebly.com

One of the rarest phenomenon, conditions have to be perfect to see a Fire Rainbow or a circumhorizontal arc. Don Spear was lucky to see and photograph one recently.

Fire Rainbow by Don Spear


The sun needs to be very high in the sky, so around the summer solstice is ideal. The sun needs to hit the clouds at exactly 58 degrees. Rather than being on fire, though, it is cold as ice.

Thanks to Don for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see a photo of another unusual event caused by light refraction, here's a link to see a Fog Bow. http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/10/29/fog-bow-as-photographed-by-peggy-berryhill/