Tag Archives: Point Arena Lighthouse Peninsula

Sara Bogard is a big fan of Harbor Seals. She recently photographed one obviously enjoying life.

While Sara is out on the bluffs of the Point Arena Lighthouse Peninsula, she is treated to many nature sightings. Here two young Brown Pelicans and a Western Gull are preening.

Thanks to Sara for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It's was foggy this morning but the sun has appeared this afternoon. There are LOTS of visitors here - Gualala was packed earlier today. I will be at the Four-eyed Frog Bookstore tomorrow, Sunday, September 5, from 2 pm to 4pm. Here's the Frog's post, though the formatting is a little haywire! Not sure how to fix that.

Jeanne Jackson Brings Sunny to the Frog

Author Jeanne Jackson will be at the Four-Eyed Frog Bookstore from 2 to 4 pm on Sunday, September 5th. Jeanne is the author of Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year, and two children’s books, Sunny Loves Spring on the California Coast and Sunny Loves Summer on the California Coast. She also writes the Mendonoma Sightings column in the Independent Coast Observer.


You are invited to come and meet Jeanne at the Frog on this Labor Day Sunday. She will be autographing books, and several golden retriever stuffed animals will be given away. If you have already purchased one of her books and you’d like it personalized, bring your book to the event. New residents of the Mendonoma Coast are encouraged to meet Jeanne in person, as this is the first author event she has done since the pandemic began. Masks will be required.


Jeanne will also give a sneak preview to the other two Sunny books to come, Sunny Loves Autumn on the California Coast and Sunny Loves Winter on the California Coast. She will be showing some of illustrator Genny Wilson’s paintings for those two books, which she hopes to have available for the holidays. Free coloring pages will also be given out.



Joel Crockett

Four Eyed Frog Books



Four Eyed Frog Books foureyedfrog.com

Dennis Latona was at the Point Arena Lighthouse bluffs during the recent King Tides event.

Dennis enjoyed how the super high tides left water cascading off the rocks, creating many tiny waterfalls. The next chance to see this phenomenon is January 20 and 21. And the flip side of the King Tides are big minus-tides, perfect for tide pooling.

Thanks to Dennis for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see more of Dennis' photography, here is his website: http://www.pinenutz.com/

We are having clear, cold weather - well, cold for the California coast! 40 degrees this morning. The vanguard of the southward Gray Whale migration has been seen off the Mendonoma coast. Thousands more to come in the days and weeks ahead!