Tag Archives: Northern Pygmy Owl

I'll let Diane Hichwa tell the story:

"We rescued and released an injured owl. This small Northern Pygmy-Owl flew into a window.” Diane, experienced in bird rescue, went to the site where the little owl was standing, stunned. “I put the owl on a heating pad overnight for observation and could hear him clacking his beak at me – a good sign.

Northern Pygmy-Owl by Diane Hichwa

“After grabbing my finger a few times the next morning, I felt the little guy was good to go! He flew off strongly into the shrubby vegetation he calls home. He left a nice little owl pellet in the box. Pygmy-owls weigh about four ounces, and are four inches tall, but they are fierce hunters of birds!”

A happy ending! Thanks to Diane for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Diane is trained in bird rescue. Would you like to take the training? Here's the link to the Bird Rescue Center of Santa Rosa: https://www.birdrescuecenter.org/

Jayne Zeldin, the owner of ARFF Feed and Pet Supplies, heard this little owl hit a window. As it recovered outside her store, Jayne photographed it.

Northern Pgymy Owl by Jayne ZeldinJayne said is rested there for a while, and then flew off, so we hope it was uninjured. Northern Pygmy Owls are often seen in the daytime, as they hunt small birds. Rick and I had one perch near our birdfeeder one day. Here it is looking my way.

Pygmy Owl by Jeanne Jackson

And then it turned its head, showing the false eye spots in the back.

False Eye spots of Pygmy Owl by Jeanne Jackson

To hear the "toot" of a Pygmy Owl, here is the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Northern_Pygmy-Owl/sounds

Thanks to Jayne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Our smallest Owl, it's always a treat to see a Northern Pygmy Owl. Peter Baye reports that he's been hearing them call at his place on Fuller Mountain in Annapolis recently. And one paid him a visit, allowing Peter to get this photograph.

Last year Rick and I had one perch on a deck railing close to a bird feeder. Here's the link to see the two photos I took. I got a photo of the BACK of the owl, showing the false eye spots. They are very realistic!


Rick noticed it first - a strange-looking bird sitting on the railing of our deck at 11:00 a.m. Just a foot or so away was a Steller's Jay. I ran for my camera and Rick grabbed his binoculars. Rick said, "It's a tiny Owl!" I took these photo through a window. You can see the "eyes" on the back of its head - a key identifier of a Pygmy. We were thrilled with this Owl's visit.

Below is the back of its head with false eye spots