Tag Archives: Nancy Padgett

The Mendonoma Coast was treated to a lightning and thunder storm that lasted more than three hours. It was impossible to sleep while the bright flashes filled our bedroom. Several booms made the entire house shake.

Nancy Padgett had more than a little noise. A tree near her home on The Sea Ranch was hit by lightning.

The Sea Ranch fire department put the fire out before it spread. Below is what the tree looked like in the light of day. As Nancy said, poor tree.

Thanks to Nancy for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Nancy Padgett enjoys the wildlife that comes to the meadows near her home on The Sea Ranch. Her two cats, Oscar and Emily, often let her know when something of interest is outside. Emily noticed this Buck on the bluffs at dusk.

 Here is Oscar on guard duty. You will see a family of Deer under the tree.

 Here's a Doe with her two Fawns. Nancy titled this photo, "Are you lookin' at me?!"

 And Nancy thinks the Doe was saying, "Don't come any closer."

Thanks to Nancy, Emily and Oscar for sharing their photos/sightings with us here.