Tag Archives: juvenile Bald Eagle


Rick and I were sitting outside at Trinks restaurant in Gualala yesterday when a friend saw a Bald Eagle in a snag at the north end of the Gualala River. I had my camera in the car and got this photo using my super zoom.

immature-bald-eagle-by-jeanne-jacksonDiane Hichwa said this big eagle is probably in its fourth plumage before it reaches its adult plumage at age four. To see a mature Bald Eagle, here is a photo taken by Eddie Mikus a few years ago.

bald-eagle-by-eddie-mikusBald Eagle sightings are tantalizing us with the possibility that someday soon we might have a nesting pair in the watershed of the Gualala River.

Thanks to Eddie for allowing me to share the mature Bald Eagle photo.

A juvenile Bald Eagle was spotted in Point Arena and this one is banded with the number 92. Beth Petit wrote, “On Tuesday, Mike Weaver, the caretaker at the Loran Station, called Jeff and me to help identify a large bird there, a juvenile Bald Eagle. With the help of Doug Forsell, local biologist, we were able to get more information from Maria Dominquez at the Institute for Wildlife Studies.”

Liberty, a tagged juvenile Bald Eagle by Jeff Petit Liberty, a juv. Bald Eagle by Jeff Petit

Maria responded that this bird is a male hatched on Santa Cruz Island of the California Channel Islands. It fledged in July. He was named “Liberty” by one of their members. His parents have been nesting there since 2005.

Jeff Petit took these photos and I thank him for allowing me to share them with you here.