Tag Archives: Jon Loveless

They were moving fast, so the photo is a little blurred. But Jon Loveless saw these cute, little chicks hurrying after mom.

CA Quail chicks following Mom by Jon LovelessDad was no doubt on guard duty close by. Here's a photo of a beautiful male CA Quail, which was taken by Kathy Willems. Male California Quail by Kathy Willems

Thanks to Jon and Kathy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Jon Loveless saw this Bobcat moving through the grasses. Luckily he had his camera handy.

Bobcat moving through the grasses by Jon LovelessBobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast, and they are great rodent hunters. Each Bobcat's coat is unique, just like our fingerprints.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The first fawns have been born and they are so very cute. I will share a photo of some soon. Today I want to show you Bucks with their growing antlers covered in velvet. Jon Loveless photographed two Bucks preening each other.

Two Bucks preening each other in a meadow by Jon Loveless

It's a peace on earth moment. Later when these two Bucks might be competing for Does, they won't be so friendly.

Michael Beattie also photographed Bucks near Point Arena on a spectacular day. The lupine bush in the middle is just about to bloom.

Bucks in velvet by Michael Beattie

Thanks to Jon and Michael for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's nothing but blue skies today but as the last storm moved out, beautiful rainbows appeared. Kathleen Mills captured this one.

Full Rainbow by Kathleen Mills

And Jon Loveless photographed this one.

Morning rainbow by Jon Loveless

And finally, Robert Scarola's rainbow.

Rainbow after storm clouds by Robert Scarola

They were all taken on The Sea Ranch but from different vantage points.

Thanks to Kathleen, Jon and Robert for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Jon Loveless caught this Bobcat obviously soaking up some rays.

A Bobcat enjoying the sun by Jon Loveless

Bobcats can be seen in grassy meadows where they hunt for gophers. They are often seen in the daylight here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photo with you here.