Tag Archives: Irma Brandt

Craig Tooley photographed this photo of an adult Western Gull giving its chick "the look." What do you think the caption should be? Western Gull parent tell its chick “Oh, why, yes! They're SUPPOSED to be pink,” cap. by Steve Serdahely, pho.by Craig Tooley Steve Serdahely sent in the winning caption (the judge was Craig's wife, Rita Peck). His caption was: "What? Oh, why YES! They're supposed to be pink!"

Other fun captions were: "Don't you kids wear anything but camo?" by Joseph Reader

"How many times must I repeat that you are still too young to get your beak pierced." by Irma Brandt

"He takes after his father!" by Rozann Grunig

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to caption it and share it here with you. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, his website is: www.ruffimage.com

Several King Boletes, Boletus edulis, have appeared, though we haven't had any recent rains. Irma Brandt went out recently, looking for moist soil under pine needles. This is what she found - a nice, fat King Bolete under a Bishop Pine tree.

This mushrooms usually fruits in November, when our first rains trigger their appearance. Rick and I have checked our spots and no mushrooms have appeared. It will be interesting to see what kind of wild mushroom season we have this year.

Thanks to Irma for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To see Irma with the biggest bolete I've ever seen, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/10/17/the-biggest-king-bolete-ive-ever-seen-was-found-in-the-manchester-area-a-few-days-ago/

We had a big storm come through the end of June. And sure enough, it prompted a mushroom bloom. King Boletes, Porcini, have been found. A Sweet Tooth Hedgehog popped up. And a cache of Chanterelles, usually only found in winter, were spotted by Irma Brandt.

It takes a good eye to spot edible mushrooms. Can you see them in Irma's first photo? Her series of photos will show their unveiling.

Thanks to Irma for allowing me to share her photos with you here. Irma found the biggest King Bolete I've ever seen a few years ago. You can see it at this link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/10/17/the-biggest-king-bolete-ive-ever-seen-was-found-in-the-manchester-area-a-few-days-ago/

Agaricus augustus, The Prince, continues to make its royal appearance. Rick and I saw a new group of this edible mushroom growing just off our road in Anchor Bay. They are having a long fruiting season this year. Irma Brandt photographed these on the last day in May. She called them soldiers on Memorial Day.

Thanks to Irma for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Update: The paper wasp nest that took over one of our birdhouses has been wiped out, probably by a skunk. I'll post a photo tomorrow.

The last of this year's Tiger Lilies are blooming on the Mendonoma Coast. Also called Leopard Lilies because of the spots they sport, they are a treat to find. Irma Brandt recently photographed several of these native wildflowers.

You should never pick this wildflower, as the spent flower forms a seed pod. Inside this pod will be tiny black seeds. When the pod dries up, the seeds are released. Hopefully a few will find a suitable spot to thrive.

Tiger Lilies are found near water. There are several small groups on our road in Anchor Bay that are growing near a neighbor's spring box. To see a Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly feeding on a Tiger Lily, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/07/05/california-tiger-lilies-are-blooming-on-the-mendonoma-coast/

Speaking of not picking wildflowers, it is illegal to pick any wildflowers on public land in the State of California. So look but don't cut!

Thanks to Irma for allowing me to share her photo with you here.