Tag Archives: Irish Beach

Bettye Winters photographed what looks like two suns setting near Irish Beach.

Double sunset by Bettye Winters

Yes, we know there is only one sun and that this is some kind of mirage. Possibly a sun pillar was beginning to form. It does make for a lovely sunset photo.

Thanks to Bettye for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Robert Scarola photographed a flock of Red-winged Blackbirds silhouetted by the setting sun.

And Bettye Winters photographed a magnificent sunset near Irish Beach.

Thanks to Robert and Bettye for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It sure looks like Hunter, Bettye Winter's dog, is watching this beautiful sunset.

And here is the sky after the sun went down as photographed by Bettye in Irish Beach.

Thanks to Bettye for allowing me to share her beautiful photos with you here.

Yes, there was a  Great White Shark seen off of The Sea Ranch, near Del Mar Point. It was Thanksgiving Day. The Shark took a Sea Lion or a "seal." Many people call Sea Lions "seals." No photos were sent in but I'm told the Shark was at least fifteen feet long.

We have had little rain for the first two months of 2013. We are hoping and praying for more. We did have a very cold storm sweep through last week. It gave Nik Epanchin a change to get a beautiful rainbow photo.

Today feels like springtime here on the Coast. It's in the mid sixties and I have windows and doors open to the warm soft air. Does this sound like February to you?!

Thanks to Nik for allowing me to share his photo with you here.