Tag Archives: Bodega Bay

It's always a treat to see the Tall Ships sail by. The Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain had come to Bodega Bay recently. John Sperry photographed them at anchor.

There were tours and the chance to sail with the crew. Since their home base is in the state of Washington, we are treated to the sight of these two ships sailing by several times a year. Diane Hichwa caught the Lady Washington on April 17 sailing north.

It was no joke! On April 1st huge swells hit the Mendonoma Coast and Robert Scarola was out with his camera to photograph them. He captured these twenty foot waves just south of Gualala Point. Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share the power of the Pacific Ocean with you here.

We have a vigorous storm headed our way, due to hit late tonight. The tall ships, the Hawaiian Chieftan and the Lady Washington, will be sailing from Bodega Bay past our coast tomorrow, perhaps in the afternoon. I sure hope the clouds will part and allow us a sighting of these elegant replicas of ships from the past.

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This is the season for Dungeness Crab, Metacarcinus magister. The season from Point Arena north was delayed until recently to allow the crabs to grow to the proper size. Local boats go out from the Point Arena Pier and larger boats come up from Bodega Bay. Beth Petit recently photographed a large load of crab coming into the pier.

 And Allen Vinson photographed several crab boats plying the waters off the Mendonoma Coast.

Dungeness Crab is found off the West Coast of Northern America and is considered a delicious delicacy. I can tell you it's one of my favorite seafood. Crab cakes, anyone?
Thanks to Beth and Allen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Bodega Bay is a small town on the Sonoma Coast with a big bay. Fishing is a way of life here. It's also a tourist destination with restaurants and several inns and lodges.

Allen Vinson recently took several photographs that will give you a bit of a feel for what this area is like.

                 A fishing boat heading out of the bay through the fog.

           Two American White Pelicans visiting the waters of Bodega Bay.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here.