Tag Archives: Bishop Pines

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One of the most spectacular wildflowers is about to bloom in the shadows of a forest of Redwoods, Douglas Firs, Tan Oaks, Madrone and Bishop Pines. It is the rare and lovely Red Clintonia. I'm hoping that this year a Deer won't eat the blossom before it's in full bloom! The leaves are a glossy green and seem to shine from within. Yesterday Princess, our adopted Ragdoll cat, decided to join us on our afternoon walk. She is quite  character and often hides in wait for Huckleberry, our Golden Retriever. But he's on to her now and gives her a wide berth as he trots by her hiding place.
       All the best! Jeanne Jackson, Gualala

Yes, it's late in the season but who can turn down more gifts in the forest? Horn of Plenty, Craterellus cornucopioides, was found fruiting in under Tan Oaks and, rather unusual, Bishop Pines. Mushroom foragers in Mendocino County and Sonoma County call these mushrooms Black Trumpets and often shout for joy when we find them. These were found by Irma Brandt and photographed by Miriam Owen, both of Gualala. Thank you, Mother Nature!