Tag Archives: Beth Petit

Beth and Jeff Petit were down near the pier in Point Arena in the late afternoon on Feb. 10th. After a long absence Point Arena's most famous visitor soared in from the southwest and landed in his favorite spot on the north side of the pier. Beth got this photo of Al, the Laysan Albatross, coming in for his most welcomed return.

Beth said everybody down at the pier cheered Al's return. Below is a close-up photo, which was taken by John Batchelder. Al...or Alice, we don't really know...is one handsome bird.

Thanks to Beth and John for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Today we celebrate Valentine's Day and the Mendonoma Coast couldn't be any lovelier. It's warm and there is no wind. In between storms in the winter is one of the best times to be here.

Beth Petit caught it with her camera otherwise I'm not sure I would have believed it! Our year 'round Anna's Hummingbirds have been fighting off the migrant Allen's and Rufous Hummingbirds that have been coming through the Mendonoma Coast recently. But Beth caught an Allen's and an Anna's sharing a feeder.

 But it looks like in this second photo that the Anna's just might have noticed there was an intruder at "his" feeder. Watch out, little Allen's Hummer!

Thanks to Beth for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

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This is the season for Dungeness Crab, Metacarcinus magister. The season from Point Arena north was delayed until recently to allow the crabs to grow to the proper size. Local boats go out from the Point Arena Pier and larger boats come up from Bodega Bay. Beth Petit recently photographed a large load of crab coming into the pier.

 And Allen Vinson photographed several crab boats plying the waters off the Mendonoma Coast.

Dungeness Crab is found off the West Coast of Northern America and is considered a delicious delicacy. I can tell you it's one of my favorite seafood. Crab cakes, anyone?
Thanks to Beth and Allen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.