Tag Archives: beautiful clouds

We had a second storm hit the Mendonoma Coast on Wednesday and we are thankful for this early rain. Following the storm were beautiful clouds and several rainbows. Thursday was an incredible day to be on the coast. Bettye Winters got these photos in the Irish Beach neighborhood.

clouds of autumn by Bettye Winters (Large) partial rainbow by Bettye Winters (Large) Thursday morn rainbow by Bettye Winters (Large)

The clouds cleared and Cathleen Crosby got this photo of Friday night's crescent moon.

Friday's crescent moon by Cathleen Crosby

There is always something beautiful to see here on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Bettye and Cathleen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.


The waves were huge and the warnings of high surf went up on Saturday. Richard Kuehn photographed Gualala Point Island being hit big a big wave.

Rich says Gualala Point Island is about sixty feet high. That makes this wave more than a hundred feet high.

There were beautiful clouds that day too. I took this photo from our deck in Anchor Bay. A storm was headed our way.

And another welcome storm is hitting the Coast this afternoon. We just say no to a drought! At my home we have had 28.85 inches of rain so far this season, a miraculous comeback. On Feb. 1st we had just 5.65 inches. We still have a ways to go but we're getting there, thank goodness.

Thanks to Rich for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Craig Tooley was out early with his camera. Sunrises on the Coast can be magnificent.

You can see the big fog bank out over the Pacific Ocean. It's keeping our temperatures nice and mild.

There is a touch of autumn in the air. Autumn can bring us beautiful clouds as storms to our north slowly begin tracking south. Beautiful clouds like these that were also taken by Craig.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is the link to his website: ruffimage.com


Don Spear had his camera when he was headed north of Gualala the other day. He was captivated by the cloud show.

I thank Don for allowing me to share his photos with you here so we can see these beautiful clouds.

I shared some of Don's sunset photos with you yesterday. Here are some fascinating cloud formations Don took from his deck in Gualala. Mother Nature is always putting on some kind of floorshow!

As summer winds down, we look forward to more dramatic clouds. Early storms to our north often give us magnificent sunsets. I bet Don will be ready with his camera!

Thanks to Don for allowing me to share some of his favorite photos with you here.