Tag Archives: Adrian Bennett

Adrian Bennett entitled this photo "Love in the morning." I think you will see why.

Two Fawns with their necks entwined with the mother in the grass behind them. You can see a wave just about to break in the Pacific Ocean. A peaceful scene at Adrian's home on The Sea Ranch. I thank her for allowing me to share it with you here.

To see two of my favorite newborn fawn photos, here are the links: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/05/26/a-tiny-fawn-was-sleeping-right-outside-ron-levalleys-front-door/

Adrian Bennett put up a fake Owl in the hopes that it would scare off some of the numerous Jays that come to her feeder as she prefers to feed the smaller birds. You will see how well this worked.

This Western Scrub Jay is probably thinking, "Thanks, Adrian, for the nice perch."

There is a true pecking order at the bird feeder Rick and I have up. First the Acorn Woodpeckers, then the Jays - Western Scrub and Steller. After these bigger birds, the smaller ones feed. Some appreciate the seeds that were knocked to the ground by the Jays, particularly the Spotted Towhees. The birds seem to get along and know their place in this pecking order.

Thanks to Adrian for allowing me to share her funny photo with you here.

You have to look closely at Adrian's photo. The Gray Whale's back looks like a small rock out in the Pacific Ocean.

As you can see from Adrian's photograph, the grasses are lush now, with plenty of feed for our wildlife.

And here's a closer look at two Gray Whales seen off of The Sea Ranch several weeks ago and photographed by John Batchelder.

Thanks to Adrian and John for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Adrian Bennett noticed a Great Blue Heron striding through her Sea Ranch yard.

 The Heron continues its walk, passing by some colorful, decorative "eggs."

 All of a sudden the Heron stops and whips its head around as it notices the "eggs."

 I can just imagine what this Great Blue Heron is thinking - "What the heck...?"

Thanks to Adrian Bennett for allowing me to share her photos with you here. They made me smile and I hope they do the same for you.


Steve Serdahely found a unique piece of driftwood on the beach at Gualala Point Regional Park. It looks just like a whale.

 One day Rick and I were on the same beach when we saw a Mother Gray Whale and her calf rolling in the surf. Apparently the mother was getting barnacles off her back. Whatever was going on, it was magical to see them so close.

  Adrian Bennett needed a new handle for her microwave. When she was told how much one would cost, she said the heck with that! She found a piece of driftwood that served the purpose with a lot more style.

Thanks to Steve and Adrian for allowing me to share their photos with you.
 If you'd like to see a chair made out of driftwood, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/03/31/a-chair-made-out-of-driftwood/