
No totality here - just a wedge missing from the sun. Still, it's exciting to witness. Barry Weiss took this photo at 11:15 am.

Thanks to Barry for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

ah, today the weather was so nice. Low 70's, gentle breeze - a Mendonoma Coast delight!

Cooks Beach is a treasure - a pocket beach just north of Gualala. Jann Littleton photographed the sunset there recently.

Cooks Beach is brought to us by the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy. To learn more, here is their website:

Thanks to Jann for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It was chilly again this morning but the sun was bright and warm.

Kate Bloch was out on the bluffs when she saw this Great Blue Heron fly by. And there is a seasonal waterfall behind the graceful bird.

Copyright Kate Bloch 2024

We have had a nice amount of rainfall and seasonal creeks and waterfalls are beautiful now.

Thanks to Kate for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Sunny and windy today, and temps in the low 50s.  There was 0.75 inches in our rain gauge, giving us 54.60 season to date. 50 inches is a nice, wet winter so we're doing great!

Rozanne Rapozo was charmed by the sight of these two CA Quail perched on a cat sculpture in her garden, with one Quail right on the binoculars the cat is looking through.

The female is perched on the binocs and the male is on the tail. Cute photo!

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Wild, cold weather today. About 2/3 of an inch of rain so far and it's cold. 37 degrees this morning - that's cold for the Mendonoma Coast. I heard there was snow at Annapolis and hail just fell on the Point Arena ridge. After tomorrow, Friday, it is suppose to be sunny and warmer.

I love this photo of the Bobcat lurking...or the grasses that Perry Hoffman got. Those are hypnotic eyes!

After a while, the Bobcat was on the move. You can see the tufted ears in Perry's photo.

Bobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. They usually hunt rodents in grassy meadows as Perry's photos show.

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Perry's photography, here is his website:

Today has been stormy and cold. In the 5 o'clock hour this Friday morning we had lightning and thunder out over the Pacific Ocean. It's very cold - well, cold for the Mendonoma Coasts - 43 degrees. Therefore we didn't get as much rain as predicted. About 2/3 of an inch. With the 1.43 inches from the previous storm, I'm now over 54 inches for the season. Hooray!