Tag Archives: unusual cloud formation

Sometimes you look in the sky and can't believe what you are seeing. That was the case when Don Spear saw this rainbow cloud.

On another day he saw this unusual cloud formation.

Cloud watching is a Coast tradition! Thanks to Don for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

To see a rare and unique cloud formation, here is the link to a cloud falling out of a cloud:

Barry Semegran noticed an unusual cloud formation in the sky north of Point Arena. It appeared just after the devastating tornadoes hit Oklahoma. Barry titled his photo, "Sympathy tornado."

Thanks to Barry for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

You'd think it was winter on the Mendonoma Coast today. Wind and rain lashed the coast bringing some minor flooding. Seasonal creeks have come back to life, an amazing sight in June. But before this big storm hit, there was an unusual cloud formation. I thought it looked like a rocket ship in the sky.

One of the joys of living on the edge is we get to see weather systems approach. And the ocean will tell us in advance that a storm is on the way. The surface water will "change direction." The winds  cause the ocean to appear as if it is flowing from south to north, rather than the normal north to south.