Tag Archives: Ten Mile River

Joanne Abramson wrote, "This was my first time photographing a Bald Eagle and I was so surprised to find him/her in a Cypress grove above Ten Mile River. May 4th was a foggy/hazy morning, and the fog drifted in and out between the eagle and me. It was a challenge to photograph him in the shadows of the tree."

"I waited two hours for him to fly over the ocean. It was worth the wait. They are magnificent birds."

To see these beautiful birds continue to recover in numbers and expand their territories is a joy. Thanks to Joanne for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Looks like the wet weather has left for now. Beautiful  cumulus clouds are moving over the ocean, southward. It's breezy, sunny with a big dose of loveliness.

Here's Peter Baye's experience recently on a kayak trip on Ten Mile River, north of Fort Bragg.

“Will Erickson and I found innumerable small crabs covering the eelgrass beds of the estuary, and running over the bottom on the flood tide as though stampeding! We estimated at least 50 per square yard. They looked like little Dungeness Crabs, and it turns out that’s exactly what they are! The eelgrass beds seem to be a nursery.”

A Dungeness Crab nursery, how wonderful is that? Dungeness Crab from the waters off the Mendonoma coast is delicious. Knowing that there are so many baby crabs in the estuary is like having money in the bank!

Ten Mile River is found ten miles north of the mouth of the Noyo River in Fort Bragg.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.