Tag Archives: Red Crossbill

Birders think this could be an irruption year for Red Crossbills, when these finches wander into areas they aren't usually seen. They follow their food source, which is seeds found in cones from pines, Douglas firs, hemlocks and spruce trees. Just look at their beaks, specially made to open cones. Nicholas Pinette recently photographed a male.

The females are yellow, and Nicholas was kind enough to send a photo of one in for comparison to the male.

Thanks to Nicholas for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

After yesterday's rain, it's turned cold! Well, cold for the Mendonoma coast. Clouds are zipping by and the ocean swells have been big. No rain predicted for the next couple of days.

Sharon Beals was hiking on the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands recently when she noticed this male Red Crossbill in a pine tree. This bird's unique bills allows it to spread apart a pine cone and retrieve a nut.

There's got to be food in here - a male Red Crossbill

He was successful.

Found something - a male Red Crossbill by Sharon BealsMale Crossbill finds a seed by Sharon Beals

And then the crossbill took a good look at the photographer!

A male Red Crossbill looking at me by Sharon Beals

Sharon Beals is the author of "Nests: Fifty Nests and the Birds that built them." You can learn more about this beautiful book at her website: http://www.sharonbeals.com/

Thanks to Sharon for allowing me to share her photos with you here.