Tag Archives: Collinsia tinctoria

I've never found this native wildflower. Peter Baye photographed Tincture Plant, Collinsia tinctoria.

And here's a bonus wildflower sighting, a Phantom Orchid, Cephalanthera austiniae  photographed by Peter. The native orchid is also called a Snow Orchid - a real treat to see.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It's foggy today, with rain forecast for tomorrow!


What an unusual common name for a beautiful rare wildflower - Sticky Chinese Houses! Peter Baye has been on a personal treasure hunt to find this beauty and he finally did. It was found on a rocky outcrop above the Gualala River. Its scientific name is Collinsia tinctoria.

Sticky Chinese houses, Collinsia tinctoria, by Peter BayePeter said each flower looks like it was hand-painted. Just gorgeous!

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.