Tag Archives: aerial view of Hearn Gulch

Craig Tooley photographed more than just Gray Whales when he was up in an airplane last week. He photographed Hearn Gulch.

This is a new public access bluff and beach brought to us by the wonderful folks at Redwood Coast Land Conservancy. You can learn how they accomplished this acquisition and read about their other projects at this link: http://www.rc-lc.org/pages/proj-hearn.html To find this beach, park at mile marker 10.0 and hike north.

To see photos of a recent hike Rick and I took there, here's that link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2013/02/08/a-visit-to-hearn-gulch-is-always-a-treat/ The wave action there can be phenomenal.

And to see much more of Craig Tooley's photography, here is the link to his website: http://ruffimage.com/