Tag Archives: Willie Brown

Willie Brown went to Cooks Beach last week during the minus tides. He found Ochre Sea Stars, Pisaster ochraceus.

He also photographed a Star that looks to eating a mussel or some barnacles.

These Sea Stars indicate a healthy ecosystem in the intertidal zone.

Thanks to Willie B for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

We are having a sizzlingly hot day today - 96 degrees in the shade on our deck. Relief is promised for tomorrow.


Ceanothus is blooming up and down the coast, so it's no surprise that beautiful, big Ceanothus Silkmoths should appear. Frances Anderson photographed one outside Action Network in Gualala.

Ceanothus Silkmoth by Frances AndersonWillie Brown also photographed one.

Ceanothus Moth by Willie BrownI've wondered if Nike got their idea for their swoosh from Ceanothus Moths!

One of the most interesting and unusual photos of these moths was taken by Jerry Rudy in Timber Cove. His photo shows a female laying her eggs on a stem.


Thanks to Frances, Willie, and Jerry for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Lighthouse Willie, aka Bill Brown, works at the Point Arena Lighthouse. He is privileged to see a great deal of wildlife. A climb to the top of the lighthouse affords wonderful views and should be on your list of things to do when you are on the Mendonoma Coast.

During the migration northward of juvenile Brown Pelicans, one landed in front of the Lighthouse and rested for a while before taking off.

Here's hoping this young Brown Pelican found plenty of fish on its journey north and that we will see it pass by on its way southward.

Thanks to Willie Brown for sharing his photo with us here.

To see a photo of a Brown Pelican plunge diving for fish, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/07/brown-pelican-plunge-diving-then-defending-its-catch-from-two-heermanns-gulls/