Tag Archives: sunset

Cooks Beach is a treasure - a pocket beach just north of Gualala. Jann Littleton photographed the sunset there recently.

Cooks Beach is brought to us by the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy. To learn more, here is their website: https://www.rclc.org/

Thanks to Jann for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It was chilly again this morning but the sun was bright and warm.

Sunsets are beautiful everywhere, but I'm partial to those on the Mendonoma Coast. Adrian Adams recently photographed this vibrant sight.

Sometimes  you almost can't believe your eyes! Thanks to Adrian for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's warmer today with no fog this afternoon. The wind picked up with the disappearance of the fog!

Paul Brewer photographed the sunrise off his Gualala home, showing some of the Douglas Iris in bloom on the bluff.

And Grace O'Malley photographed the sunset  in Timber Cove. Just looks at those luscious colors!

Good morning and good night!

Thanks to Paul and Grace for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/ And to see much more of Grace's nature photography, here is the link to her website: https://graceomalleyphotography.com/

Today is cloudy and chilly, with a chance of some of that wet stuff we've been missing so much.

Amy Ruegg was at Stengel Beach on The Sea Ranch recently. She wrote, “It has been beautiful seeing the waterways fill up, and the rain soak the earth.

The cloudy sunsets have been almost unbelievable of late, as if a piece of heaven fell to earth. I enjoyed seeing a splashing waterfall there. The tide was low as the sunset revealed a purple and an orange Sea Star clinging tightly to slippery rocks.”

Thanks to Amy for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

After a strong storm on Sunday, today is a different story. Sunny, with a few clouds to add interest, and cool temps. Come to the Mendonoma Coast to start your year off right!



Put clouds together with a sunset or sunrise and you have the perfect prescription for beauty in the sky. Last night's sunset was breathtaking. I took this from our deck - you can see the sun just setting on the right. No green flash, as there were clouds on the horizon.

Once the sun had set, here's a look at those beautiful clouds.

This morning didn't disappoint either. While the colors of sunrises are fleeting, they can be just as lovely in their own way.

This afternoon clouds have poured in, along with strong breezes. It feels like Autumn here on the Mendonoma coast!