Tag Archives: sunrise with full moon

Even inside my home in Anchor Bay, one-half mile away, I can hear the roar of the Pacific Ocean. Huge swells are hitting the Mendonoma Coast and the crashing waves create a salty mist that drifts across Highway One. The swells are also creating some great surfing conditions.

Yesterday morning I photographed a nearly full moon in the western sky at sunrise. You can see the swells, one after the other. One friend described this as the ocean looking like corduroy.

 As Craig Tooley likes to say, the edges of the day are a great time for photography. Below is the setting sun shining on the ocean. It's a golden staircase to the unknown.

And what it looked like last night as the sun set into clouds. Beautiful, don't you think? No sunset is alike!

Watching a lovely sunrise with the full moon glowing in the west is a treat given to those fortunate enough to be on the Mendonoma Coast. You can also see the lights of a fishing boat out on the Pacific Ocean.

 And here is the rest of the sunrise, looking southwest, from our property in Anchor Bay - sheer loveliness!

 The earliest of the Manzanitas have begun blooming. These exquisite white flowers are shaped like upside-down urns. Some people remove Manzanitas bushes from their property and the ecosystem is hurt because of it. These blossoms feed our year 'round hummingbirds, the Anna's. They provide food for our native bees and butterflies. Since Manzanitas are the first to bloom in the winter, they are crucial for our wildlife.

Rick and I try and watch the sunset every night. We had hopes for a green flash last night but we were stuck with a lovely sunset instead. Let's face it - it always pays to watch a sunset!

And a few minutes after the sun has set.
And this morning's sunrise looked like a watercolor painting with the nearly full moon in the sky.