Tag Archives: Steelhead seen in the Gualala River

Paul Batchelder was by the north fork of the Gualala River, just above the green bridge, yesterday. He saw a happy sight - Steelhead headed up the river. You can see two fish on the upper left side of Paul's photos.The photos aren't the clearest, but the news sure is welcome.

To show you what the Green Bridge looks like, here are two photos taken by Kay Martin.

All the rain we have received in February has revived the Gualala and Garcia Rivers. It is a joy to see them running strong and supporting endangered Steelhead. Hooray for Mother Nature!

Thanks to Paul and Kay for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Thursday was such a lovely day on the Mendonoma Coast. Rick and I, with Huckleberry, our Golden Retriever, walked the Gualala Bluff Trail. We were amazed to see the level of the river had dropped so low. It was, however, still open to the Pacific Ocean. And the river was so clear that Rick saw a Steelhead swimming towards the river opening.

 A couple was sitting on the sandbar when this squadron of Brown Pelicans approached.

 And "Debbie" is obviously loved! This is river bottom, usually covered with water.

 Some of the flowers currently blooming along the beautiful Gualala Bluff Trail.