Tag Archives: Star Fish

Tide pooling is a Coast tradition. The Independent Coast Observer prints a weekly tide table, which I always cut out and put on my refrigerator. At low tide, locals and visitors alike head to the beach. Craig Tooley recently photographed two different Sea Stars, which are sometimes call Star Fish. One Sea Star is on top of a Sea Urchin shell.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see more of Craig's wonderful photography, here's the link to his website: http://ruffimage.com/

To see a photo of a huge Sea Star, the Sunflower, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/03/27/sunflower-seastar-found-at-the-stornetta-public-lands/

South of Point Arena, Bowling Ball State Beach and its neighboring partner, Schooner Gulch State Beach, are wonderful places to visit, especially at low tide. The trail down to Bowling Ball is closed due to erosion but the trail to Schooner Gulch is easily hiked. At low tide you can cross the gulch and explore Bowling Ball Beach. That's what Emily Nelson did on Thanksgiving Day. Here's what she photographed:

Storms have brought bull kelp onto the beach and one beautiful Sea Star, also called Star Fish.

BBB is a wonderful place to beach comb. The rocks catch treasures tossed up by the sea. One time Rick and I were exploring and we found opalescent abalone shells shining in the sun. There are unusual round rocks exposed at low tide that look like a bunch of bowling balls. It is quite unique!

Here's a web site to learn a little more about this jewel on the Mendocino Coast: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=446