Tag Archives: Sequoia Sempervirens


Soon after Rick and I moved to the Mendocino Coast we found this magnificent old growth Sequoia Sempervirens or Coast Redwood. We were nearly overcome with awe and delight when we first saw it and even now, after 15 years, we still get a thrill every time we hike down to see it. It is on a neighboring property. Our area was logged in the 1880's. This giant wasn't taken because it wasn't straight; it grew in a twisty fashion. Rick is in the first picture to give you some idea of how big this beautiful tree is. About halfway up a limb grows as big as a second growth tree. It's perfectly straight. The top was blown off in a storm many years ago. Who knows how old this tree is? Many hundreds of years and perhaps even a thousand years old. What stories it could tell...

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In the forest are 7 foot tall remnants of old growth Redwoods. The Gualala area was logged of Redwoods in the 1880's. The roots of the trees that were taken birthed second growth Redwoods and the stumps became a haven for plants such as these Huckleberry bushes. A few old growth Redwoods were spared in our area because they have a twisty growth pattern. I'll share a photo of one of those ancients in the days to come.