Tag Archives: Sandy Hughes

Bob Rutemoeller and Sandy Hughes both noticed this big moth resting at the Gualala Post Office. It's a Western Cecropia, or Giant Silkmoth.

Harm Wilkinson photographed a Ceanothus Moth just a block or two away.

They each have the distinctive white markings on their wings, but the colors are different and the markings on the bottom of their wings is different. Still, at first glance, I would have thought Bob's moth was a Ceanothus. We are seeing wild lilac, Ceanothus, in bloom right now, which always attracts Ceanothus Moths. They are quite large and exciting to see. The Giant Silkmoth is a rarer sighting for us.

Thanks to Bob and Harm for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Tripod lost one of his back hoofs several years ago. We don't know how he lost it, but we were concerned, because it's a disability for an animal when it can't run from danger at full speed. So far, Tripod has thrived by living lightly on the land at The Sea Ranch. Here's a recent photo of him, taken by Rick Hansen. The second photo, taken by Sandy Hughes last year, shows the missing hoof a little better.

tripod-the-buck-missing-a-hind-hoof-is-thriving-by-rick-hansen tripod-the-buck-missing-his-right-hoof-by-sandy-hughesjpgYou can also see Tripod's rack is bigger in Rick's recent photo, so he is healthy!

Thanks to Rick and Sandy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.