Tag Archives: Mendonoma

The soft pastels of a Mendonoma sunrise, constantly changing and always mesmerizing, can start your day off right. Carolyn André photographed Thursday's sunrise from her home at The Sea Ranch.

Add a cup of coffee or tea and you have the perfect start to the day. Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photos with  you here.

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It's always sweet to see the first newborn fawns of the spring. The first ones seen this week were twins. It looks to be a healthy year for our Black-tailed Deer with all the rain providing lots of grasses and other food. Drivers on Highway One need to be extra careful this time of year. When a Doe crosses the road, pause for a moment to see if a fawn or two or even three are following behind. Create a Mendondoma traffic jam - you'll be glad you waited a minute and saved the life of a beautiful creature.

Thanks to Siegfried Matull for this beautiful photo taken at Sea Ranch.


It all started with last Friday's tsunami, which was followed by a big storm. Early this morning the Mendonoma Coast was buffeted with lightning and thunder and heavy downpours. Yes, Mother Nature has been a drama queen lately. A certain golden retriever expects his morning walk and the rain swollen creek was magnificent with cascades. Clouds lifted briefly, giving me an opportunity to scan the Pacific Ocean with my binoculars. Sweet success! A pod of five Gray Whales, one of which was a calf, was seen headed north. I am not ashamed to admit I always get chills when I see whales.