Tag Archives: Junstin Rosenthal

We're usually looking for Boleus edulis, porcini, in late October and November. But we did have a nice rain in September. That, combined with fog drip, has coaxed several Boletes to pop. Justin Rosenthal found the first ones on The Sea Ranch.

Early Boletus edulis by Justine Rosenthal (Large)

Justin said they were growing about 1/4 mile inland in tall grasses. She said they were hard to see.

Irma Brandt was encouraged to go check one of her spots this past week. Look what she found - two pristine, perfect Boletes.

Two pristine Boletus edulis by Irma Brandt

Several others have found a few too. I think it is going to take a couple of good rainstorms to convince more of these delicious edible mushrooms to appear.

Thanks to Justine and Irma for allowing me to share their photos with you here.