Tag Archives: Jackrabbits

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Earlier this week Rick looked out the window to find a Jackrabbit running up and down a portion of a trail in front of our house in Anchor Bay. We couldn't fathom what was going on! The Jackrabbit continued for several minutes, long enough for me to get my camera. I quietly went out on the deck, hoping it would reappear for its close-up. Rick whispered, "Here he comes again." I snapped a picture and the Rabbit froze, looking up at me. I was about 40 yards away. The Rabbit stared for several minutes while I took a few more photos and then high-tailed it out of there. The photos were taken in heavy fog. Perhaps you could consider it mood lighting!


When Rick and I drove into The Sea Ranch yesterday for our birding outing, there in front of a house were these three Jackrabbits. They didn't run and hide when we stopped so I could take a picture. So, who was looking at whom?