Tag Archives: how to see a fogbow

Margaret Lindgren is the owner of Unbeaten Path Tours. She recently took clients out to the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands. This is what they found - a fogbow or white rainbow.

Fogbow by Margaret Lindgren September Fogbow by Margaret Lindgren

They are pretty rare. Look for one in the morning hours when the fog is about bluff high. Perhaps you will see a fogbow too.

Thanks to Margaret for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To learn more about Margaret's hiking tours, here is the link to her website: http://www.unbeatenpathtours.com/index.html

This photo was recently sent to me, though it was taken by Azita Jackman last year at Gualala Point Regional Park. It's a wonderful photo of a white rainbow, or fogbow.

Fogbow by Azita Jackman

The best time to see a rare fogbow is in the early morning. If the fog is about bluff high, as in Azita's photo, and the sun is coming up in the eastern sky, you have a chance to see this phenomenon.

Thanks to Colleen Jackman for sending this photo to me and to Azita for allowing me to share her photo with you here.