Tag Archives: Hathaway Creek

Mel Smith went to see if any of the beautiful white Tundra Swans had returned to the Garcia River area. He first looked at Hunter lagoon off of Biaggi Lane, and then at Brush Creek lagoon but found no Swans. The last big storm had washed away the sand, and drained the wetlands in both places, at least for now.

Mel then went to Hathaway Creek, which is found on the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands and found the fields flooded. There he saw four Tundra Swans, the first of many, we hope.

Here's a photo from a few years ago of two Tundra Swans in flight, taken by Anne Mary Schaefer.

In years past, there have been hundreds of these swans in the floodplains of the Garcia River. We hope more will return to overwinter on the southern Mendocino coast.

Thanks to Mel and Anne Mary for allowing me to share their photos with you here.