Tag Archives: Harm Wilkinson

Misty Miller photographed a Red Admiral Butterfly in her garden recently.

After today's thunderstorms, we have three+ days of warm weather. We could see many more butterflies this weekend. We are looking for Painted Ladies, butterflies in the millions this year migrating north. Here's what they look like.

Ceanothus, wild lilac, has begun blooming this week, so I won't be surprised to receive photos of the distinctive Ceanothus Moth. Harm Wilkinson took the photo of the big moth. Bob Rutemoeller took the photo of Ceanothus in bloom.

Thanks to Misty, Harm and Bob for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Three species of swallows migrate to the Mendonoma coast to nest - Violet-green Swallows, Cliff Swallows and Barn Swallows. Mark Simkins had a pair of Barn Swallows build a mud nest outside his home in Manchester this year. The parents are busy feeding their hungry chicks.

Here is a close-up of Barn Swallow chicks taken by Harm Wilkinson. Aren't they cute?

Thanks to Mark and Harm for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's a beautiful day on the coast. The morning fog pulled back and sunshine abounds. We have no smoke from the terrible inland fires. Here's hoping cooler temperatures will allow the firefighters to get the upper hand.

African animals in Point Arena? You bet! Here's what Judy Mello of the B Bryan Preserve says about their mission: "We are a private preserve actively committed to the breeding and preservation of African hoof Stock. Our various species of zebra, giraffe, and antelope range from critically endangered to endangered, and range in large, open fields on our property in Point Arena, California."

Here is Willie, as cute as he can be. Willie is a newborn Hartmann's Mountain Zebra, photo take by Judy.

Harm Wilkinson was driving by the preserve when he saw this scene - two newborn Sable Antelopes among the adults.

One of the young ones is partially obscured in Harm’s photo. I queried Judy Mello and she wrote, “Those are two girls, Liz and Eva. Also, now Carl has joined them.”

The Preserve has regular visiting hours, and several overnight accomodations. You can learn more at their website: https://www.bbryanpreserve.com/

Thanks to Judy and Harm for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Harm Wilkinson photographed four Barn Swallow chicks in a nest above the front door of the Point Arena dental clinic.

They are patiently waiting to be fed by their parents. Kudos to everyone for allowing this nest to stay. Swallows eat as many as 1,000 insects in a day!

Thanks to Harm for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Harm Wilkinson was sure surprised to see this Acorn Woodpecker imitating a hummingbird at his sugar-water feeder.

Harm said the woodpecker drained the hummingbird feeder.

Here's a close-up of a male Acorn Woodpecker on the left (notice the red on his head goes all the way to the white on his face) and a female (she has black between the white on her face and the red on top of her head) at a seed feeder. This photo was taken by Jim Garlock.


Thanks to Harm and Jim for allowing me to share their photos with you here.