Tag Archives: ghosts

Mark Hancock is the Executive Director of the Point Arena Lighthouse and he sees many wonderful sightings every day. This one had him reaching for his camera! A wisp of fog was caught on the top of the Lighthouse. With the setting sun reflecting on the fog, it looked there were ghosts at the top of the Tower.

Mark told me he has never seen this before. Pretty amazing!

There is a museum there and lodging too. Autumn is the perfect time for a visit. Whales have been seen recently, non-migrating Gray Whales and a pod of Humpback Whales too. Brown Pelicans have begun migrating south. I love going to the Lighthouse bluffs to look for nature sightings and to soak in the beauty. To learn more about this wonderful Lighthouse, here is the link to their website: http://pointarenalighthouse.com/

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Smoke is pretty much gone, the fog rolled in early Tuesday morning. Rain, blessed rain, is forecast for tomorrow.