Tag Archives: Eddie Mikus


Rick and I were sitting outside at Trinks restaurant in Gualala yesterday when a friend saw a Bald Eagle in a snag at the north end of the Gualala River. I had my camera in the car and got this photo using my super zoom.

immature-bald-eagle-by-jeanne-jacksonDiane Hichwa said this big eagle is probably in its fourth plumage before it reaches its adult plumage at age four. To see a mature Bald Eagle, here is a photo taken by Eddie Mikus a few years ago.

bald-eagle-by-eddie-mikusBald Eagle sightings are tantalizing us with the possibility that someday soon we might have a nesting pair in the watershed of the Gualala River.

Thanks to Eddie for allowing me to share the mature Bald Eagle photo.

Eddie Mikus recently spotted a beautiful Bobcat strolling through a meadow.

Bobcat by Eddie MikusI've learned the each bobcat has unique markings on its coat, just like our fingerprints are unique to each of us.

Bocats are also good climbers. For evidence, I submit Judy Mello's photo of a bobcat climbing a very tall fence at the B. Bryan Preserve in Point Arena.

Bobcat climbing the Giraffe fence by Judy MelloBobcats are often seen in the daylight here on the Mendonoma coast.

Thanks to Eddie and Judy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

To see a mature Bald Eagle is always a thrill. We have had several sightings of a mature Bald Eagle this winter, including a presumed mated pair at Jenner. Eddie Mikus was the lucky one to see this beauty.

Bald Eagle by Eddie Mikus (Large)

Here's what Eddie wrote: “I spotted this Bald eagle out my window and he cooperated by staying perched long enough in a cypress tree on TSR Golf Links for me to take several photos. Hope this means I am going to have a lucky 2016!”

May we all be lucky in 2016, and that includes seeing a Bald Eagle!

Thanks to Eddie for allowing me to share this photo with you here.