Tag Archives: close up of Bobcat

Allen Vinson spotted this handsome bobcat recently, strolling through the grasses.

The bobcat is looking right at Allen! This looks like a big bobcat. I think it's interesting to know that the markings on each bobcat's coat is unique to itself, just like our fingerprints are to us.

Here's a photo Allen took some years ago, a favorite of mine. You can see the tufted ears quite clearly in this photo, and a douglas iris in the background.

Bobcats can be seen fairly often hunting for gophers and other tasty rodents in meadows on the Mendonoma coast.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Allen's nature photography, here is his website: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/

Allen Vinson got lucky when this Bobcat strolled by, nicely accented by a Douglas Iris in bloom.

A Bobcat on the prowl by Allen Vinson

Then the Bobcat looked at Allen and he got this photo of its face. You can clearly see the tufted ears.

Close-up of a beautiful Bobcat by Allen Vinson

Bobcats are seen year round in grassy meadows here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Allen's nature photography, here is the link: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/