Tag Archives: Carol Hofer

Salmon is beginning to be caught off the Mendonoma Coast. Yes, the fish are getting closer in. Ken "Buzz" Hofer went fishing out of Fort Bragg and found these beauties about one mile out.

Ken Hofer with Salmon by Carol Hofer (Large)

That's a happy smile on Buzz's face. Thanks to Buzz and his wife, Carol, for allowing me to share their photo with you here.

Carol Hofer enjoyed a recent visit to the Point Arena Lighthouse. Locals, like Carol, and visitors climb the Lighthouse tower for unparalleled views. Carol took a photo from a different viewpoint, however. Her photo shows a sea of yellow flowers, members of the Aster family, and the Lighthouse behind. Just beautiful, almost like a painting.

Thanks to Carol for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To learn more about the Lighthouse, here's the link: http://www.pointarenalighthouse.com/


Ken Hofer enjoys surfing up Point Arena way. There are several nice surfing spots on the coast. Here's a photo of Ken and his surfboard, with Ken's wife, Carol, very much enjoying the sunny day.

Thanks to the Hofers for allowing me to share their photo with you here.
To see some of our areas surfing spots, here are a few links: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/05/20/surfing-on-the-mendonoma-coast/