Tag Archives: Bucks practice fighting

Craig Tooley photographed these two Bucks practicing their fighting skills using their antlers.

The mating season of the Black-tailed Mule Deer begins around the start of autumn - it's called the rut. For now peacefulness reigns. But all bets are off during the rut!

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: www.ruffimage.com

The Mendonoma coast is draped with cool, moist fog this morning. It's suppose to clear up and warm up for the coming weekend. For now, we celebrate the moisture the fog brings.

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Robert Scarola recently photographed two Bucks practicing gentle jousting. They danced up and down the meadow by Robert's Sea Ranch home. Interestingly enough, several California Quail were close by and chose to ignore all the action taking place nearby.

October is the time of the rut of the coast's Black-tailed Deer, when the males fight for the chance to mate. Don't come between a Buck and his heart's desire. Lust is the only thing on his mind!
Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photo here.