Tag Archives: Beverly Naso

Beverly Naso watched as three River otter pups played on rocks off of the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands.

Three River Otter babies playing on the rocks by Beverly NasoA curious Western gull flew over to watch the scene and the three pups stopped playing to watch it. Perhaps they were thinking of making a meal of the gull!

A Western Gull watchs three young River Otters by Beverly NasoRiver otters look cute, but they can be feisty. They cannot abide pollution in the water, so the fact that they are here is a testament to our clean waters.

Thanks to Beverly for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Beverly Naso photographed these footsteps in the sand - I would imagine they were her footsteps.

Footsteps in the sand by Beverly Naso

You can walk in her footsteps. This is the sandbar that forms between the Gualala River and the Pacific Ocean. You can access it from Gualala Point Regional Park. There are many wonderful trails there. It's one of our favorite places to walk with our golden retriever, Huckleberry. It's also a good place to whale watch.

Thanks to Beverly for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Doesn't it make you relax just to see it?