Tag Archives: Agaricus augustus

It seemed like everyone was finding this delicious, edible mushroom, The Prince, Agaricus augustus. Jon Handel and Ling-yen Jones found a BIG one!

And Adrian Fehr and Marian Sandoval found a large cache of The Prince.

These mushrooms smell of almond, and they are considered dry weather mushrooms. They usually fruit in spring or summer. But we had a nice dry spell with warm temps between big storms. With the opening of the storm door recently, I don't think we'll be seeing these mushrooms for quite a while.

Thanks to Ling-yen and Susan Sandoval for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Saturday night's storm brought 3 inches of rain, and Monday's storm brought 1.25 inches. Another storm comes in tomorrow morning. Bring it, Mother Nature!

It's been a strange mushroom year. Hedgehogs were nearly nonexistent this winter. But the first Prince mushrooms have bloomed. Catherine Miller was the lucky forager.

The Prince mushrooms by Catherine Miller

Beautiful sunny weather today after all the rain, though fog has covered the Pacific Ocean. Mushrooms foragers like Catherine and me will keep our eyes open to see what edibles might appear.

Thanks to Catherine for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

The Prince, Agaricus augustus, had a bloom several weeks ago here on the Coast. Diane Hichwa had one big Prince come up between two decorative owls.

Prince mushroom nestled between two ornamental Owls by Diane Hichwa

For those who know their mushroom identification, this is a delicious edible.

Today the fog has pulled way back and this afternoon is splashed with sunshine.

Thanks to Diane for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

The Prince, Agaricus augustus, has sprouted to the delight of those who loved edible fungi. Gail Thompson photographed this group of Prince mushrooms.

The Prince mushroom by Gail Thompson (Large)

Gail wrote, "If you sauté in butter, water and a little garlic salt and then pour on top of mashed potatoes, you have a princely meal."

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

A choice, edible mushroom that *normally* blooms in the fall, usually in November, has fruited on the Mendonoma Coast. Cathleen Crosby had a half dozen pop up near her home in Gualala

This is exactly what you look for - a big, fat mushroom with a thick, white stalk and a brown cap. Under the cap is a sponge rather than gills. This mushroom is a joy to find and delicious to eat. Now I wonder what will happen when our fall rains begin. Will we get a normal bloom of King Boletes?

Our summer edible mushroom is The Prince, Agaricus augustus. It is blooming on schedule as Leslie Hoppe's photo shows you. The Prince often pops up near roads and trails. When it is young it tastes sweet and almondy; when older it tastes more "mushroomy."

Thanks to Cathleen and Leslie for allowing me to share their photos with you here.