With all the rain headed our way, this could by the last sunrise seen for a while – and it was incredible!

Paul Brewer is back on the Mendonoma Coast from his holiday travels. He came back just in time to photograph this morning's beautiful sunrise.

I photographed it too, though my view has trees in the way towards the south. The pinks and purples seen through the trees was dramatic too, and the ocean appeared a deep purple for a few minutes as you see in Paul's photo.

Sunrises are so fleeting. They are often the reward for getting up early, something I do regularly.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's  nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

We are receiving lots of weather warnings in advance of several "juicy" storms. It will be an interesting seven to ten days of LOTS of rain. Here on the Mendonoma coast we are battening down the hatches!