A Burrowing Owl has taken up residence at The Sea Ranch.

I have to admit it - I love owls. Richard Kuehn recently saw and photographed a Burrowing Owl on the north end of The Sea Ranch, the first one he has seen there in five years.

This little owl can be seen hunting for insects in the day and night. It's a smart owl too. Burrowing Owls put dung from other critters around the outside of their nests. That attracts dung beetles, which they love to eat.

To hear the call of this owl, here is the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/burrowing_owl/sounds

Thanks to Rich for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

To see several photos of another little owl that landed on our deck railing, a Northern Pygmy Owl, here's the link to that post: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/20/a-northern-pygmy-owl-paid-us-a-visit-in-anchor-bay-earlier-this-week/