A fracture in the rock has “broken” the waterfall at the Stornetta Public Lands

If you walked far enough to the south, to nearly the southern end of the Stornetta Public Lands, you would be rewarded in the winter and spring with a beautiful waterfall. But recently a fracture in the rock has caused the waterfall to come down inside the rock. I was standing where last year the water would have been flowing over and cascading down the bluff face.

If you look carefully you can see the fracture in the rock. You can see just a peek of the water and just down from it on the right is the fracture. One day this part of the rock will fall away and the waterfall will be revealed in all its glory. Tomorrow or fifty years from now?

Some of the beautiful offshore rocks seen while walking the bluff.

 And here is the sign posted along Highway One. See yesterday's post for the best way to enter the southern part of these most beautiful lands.

To see a photo of the waterfall before it "broke," here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/06/15/a-hidden-waterfall-on-the-stornetta-public-lands-in-mendocino-county/